Friday, March 24, 2006

Dream Smaller

This semester I am taking an environmental policy class. The final project for the class is to develop an ecologically sustainable model comprehensive plan for a fictitious region. We are currently in the research phase and this website ( was recommended to us. I haven't fully perused it I am intrigued by the consumer portion that may provide guidance about ways to "buy green."

1 comment:

  1. That's the Center for a New American Dream! They kinda rock! "More Fun, Less Stuff." I've been threatening to get memberships for some of my in-laws for years...

    They are here in DC. I've met a few of their staff members at networking things. They only work a 4 day work weeks and start every Monday morning off with Yoga.

    They did a project with WWF that was targeted to tweens and I loved telling people about it when I worked there: Of course, I don't work there anymore, and WWF has eliminated the education department that put this site together... but it's still pretty cool.
