Friday, September 30, 2005


We took our first wool class last night. Spinning wool is not as easy as it looks!
I am still up for having some sheep some day, though.
Chris took on the loom. I think he is going to weave a tartan. Or maybe a "mug rug".
I was reading about the NYS Wool and Sheep Festival and the Cornell Sheep Program when I came across this cool idea- using wool as insulation for buidings. They claim no more "sick building syndrome" and its much healthier. Very interesting. Wool is cozy and useful!!

Monday, September 26, 2005


Bill and I wanted to announce that we have recently accepted the Good Word of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and have become Pastafarians. If you have not accepted the Noodly Master, we urge you to do so.

NYT article about Intelligent Design court battle in PA.

Friday, September 23, 2005


Mother Earth News ran an article this month on a new type of hybrid (not to market yet) that you plug in at night and recharge. So basically its an electric car until you run out of battery. This type of hybrid actually makes sense to me. Its all about the Li-Poly batteries. Fuels cells are bunk. Li-Poly batteries are the way.

Thursday, September 22, 2005


This catepillars ate two, 4' dill plants in less than 3 days. They ate all of the flowers and then munched down the stems. No dill for Chris's pickles, but we got a picture. I am not sure if they were Monarchs or not?....

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Template changes?

Bill can edit the template, or if you want to be listed as an admin too, let him know. Then you can change the template too!

Any suggestions for additional links or pictures?

I added my blog (which I pen under the crazy-cool pseudonym Reese Urcher) to the links. I update it when I get bored at work...

Keep the peace(es)

I recommend using picasa and hello to post images. Quite simple.

My post below is my costume to Kev/Carrie's rehearsal dinner, less the battle axe and sgian dubh.
Turns out, its pretty hard for a man to stay decent when sitting down wearing a kilt. I will post some of those pics by later.

buurn it. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The Wild Tequila Dance blog...

Welcome to the blog. We've all kept in touch via email quite nicely, this just takes it to the next level, for anyone that wants to participate. If I left anyone out of the member list, lemme know. Feel free to post pictures, video, whatever... start a discussion about EPA CAFE standards / lumber tariffs, post recipes for pie, whatever you think anyone else might be remotely interested in, even if they're not - feel free to post anyways. Sometime later I may upload the WSB video from last year, though I'm gonna need to shrink it down quite a bit first.

There's an RSS feed for this blog - I'm assuming people know how to use that to keep informed of updates? My personal favorite way is via a FireFox extension called infoRSS. Click on the little orange XML button for the feed.

Happy blogging!


Pictures are fun, but may need to watch the sizes. Blogger seems to choke on things bigger than half a meg or so. Less than 200k seems to upload OK.

Here's a picture for your viewing enjoyment. Savannah, GA.

New Years 2006!

New Years!!! We've rented a house in the Adirondacks in which to spend New Years Eve! It is available to everyone from Friday through Monday ( Jan. 2. ) Sleeps 12. So far We've got the following guests:

Steve and Marin
JoAnna and Bill
Chris and Kelly
Kevin and Carrie (maybe?)

There's room for 12!

Highlites include: Very close to Whiteface Mountain, 60 acres of woods with a trail, right on the river for X-C skiing, hot tub, sauna, air hockey, foosball. Dog friendly!

I know it's a long time away, but we're getting excited!

First Post!

Welcome to The Wild Tequila Dance!!!