Saturday, May 26, 2007

Cool video

Our Netflix list was getting a bit stale but then we were alerted to this video on youtube. It's a neat countdown from 100 to 1 using movie quotes. Around the mid-sixties Bill and I started shouting out the movies as we figured them out. Sadly, Bill decided every movie with Jimmy Stewart was Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, and even got It's a Wonderful Life wrong.

Well, it inspired us to add a bunch of new movies to our queue...well, a bunch of new old movies. Cary Grant is hot.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

NY Times Magazine Green Building

This link may disappear after a while but this weekend's NY Times Magazine has a number of articles on green building.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Jingles Update

Just a quick update about Jingles- we just got some pictures this morning.
She just passed Phase 2 of the training program (out of 4). She is now training out and about- not just in the neighborhood around the training school- and is working around Peekskill. The person with her is her trainer, Susan.

Monday, May 07, 2007

This website lists a bunch of good references for the happy hippie lifestyle

Friday, May 04, 2007


Anyone see any cool birds lately now that spring migration is starting to pick up?

Had a few white throated sparrows singing out in front of my office this week.

Baby ducks in the pond out back. Tis the season for heavy binocular use.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Confusion on greenhouse gases

Warning: wikipedia - based discussion

I have been reading about carbon sequestration to try and understand what the heck "carbon-neutral" means, and I found an interesting article on wikipedia that says that the US sequestered about the same amount of CO2 in agricultural soils as was released by burning fossil fuels.

This is contrary to everything else we've learned about our use of fossil fuels and the effect on global warming, indeed it would refute Mr. Gore's Inconvenient Truth. So now I am very confused: are we (the US) producing greenhouse gases? Has anyone read a good book on this topic? I never took organic chemistry but none of this seems logical.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

How cool is google maps?

I've been making a map of our New Zealand trip on Google Maps. It's a work in process, but its really lots of fun. Hope to add video shortly...