Monday, January 29, 2007

Lazy cats

Jon was over on Saturday enjoying SU's loss to Louisville, and he noticed Bernie lounging on his favorite spot.

This one's for you, Jon.

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Friday, January 26, 2007

Bored, bored, bored

Ready to go home!!!

Some CNY news from DC. There have been at least 4 DNA exonerations of innocent prisoners already this year. Two in Texas, one in Georgia and one in Cayuga county. Roy Brown's case is crazy -- a lot of the errors are typical to wrongful convictions, such as inadequate defense lawyers, shoddy forensics and lack of access to post-conviction DNA testing. Brown ended up solving the case and finding the real killer all by himself, which is also a tragically common occurance. The Innocence Project helped free him and has the summary of his case.

There was also a story on ABC news about children in Iraq. There are a number of quotes from a guy I work with -- Jon Powers, native of Buffalo and founder of War Kids Relief.

They are interesting reads -- even if you aren't as bored as I am!

Friday, January 19, 2007


Does altruism allow for freedom?


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Grad Student Labor replaced by Robots?

I'm not sure whether this is impressive or scary...(giving a robot a knife and pesticides)...?

Researchers at the University of Illinois are currently testing a solar powered, weed-killing robot. The robot uses GPS for navigation, and has two small cameras mounted on top to give it depth perception. An on-board computer offers access to information that provides the morphological features of plants to help the robot determine just what is and isn’t a weed. Once a weed is identified, a robotic arm attached to the front of the machine engages a two–part device: one cuts the weed, while the second applies herbicide to the cut weed. Currently the robot is only designed to combat weed infestation; in the future, the researchers hope to install different sensors and cameras on the robotic arm that could be used to judge soil properties or plant conditions. For more information, see

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Green Building

I went to the green building exhibit recently and I thought some of you may be interested in it, especially those who own or may be considering owning a home.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year's Recipes

Recipes/Memorable Menus from
New Year's