Wednesday, October 12, 2005


I'm not sure if I've ever shared this photo or not. It's one of my favorite aumumn images. Taken from my former office n Illick Hall. Posted by Picasa


  1. Excellent. We are about at that same stage of color now here in Syracuse again.

  2. sooooo jealous. It's brown here.

  3. Realy? One the best fall color displays I've seen was at Hungru Mother State Park in Virginia. I think Virginia has the best state parks.

  4. We've had lots of drought and I think it may be a bit early for color around here. It's mostly oak around here and that's just not pretty.

    We're going camping with Jon this weekend so maybe we'll find some pretty on the way.

    We haven't made it into too much of southern or central VA. Our experience is mostly in Shenendoah and the surrounding NPs and Forests. Some day maybe we'll visit the southern part. It's just so *far* and the Metro doesn't go there :)
