Monday, April 28, 2008

Summer Photo Scavenger Hunt?

Is anyone interested in doing a summer-long photo scavenger hunt? We could make a list of things as a group and then spend the summer sharing the photos we’ve taken. They could be specific things (a gaggle of geese), more general things (something purple) or themes open to wild interpretation (happiness). We could post the photos here, or on another blog…or anyplace that would be easiest.

Any interest?


  1. Brilliant idea! here goes - a red button, water reflections, a community garden, rust, a discarded couch, potential energy, lightening, cleanliness, messiness, beer, neighborliness, anything mountain biking. I think that's all I can process right now but maybe it'll get others thinking.

  2. Yay! You are the best.

    Finding mountain biking in Indiana should be a piece of cake. :) I am looking forward to drinking and taking lots of beer photos though. You know, so I can get just the right one.
