Monday, November 27, 2006

Last 4...

A view from the street around 2 in the afternoon. A lot of buildings have huge windows and skylights to take advantage of the limited sunlight. The sun never really got high enough in the sky to make it over the buildings, so the streets were in constant shadow or darkness. They really go all out with the Christmas decorations, though, and it was very pretty and festive!

The building behind Bill is the Prime Minister and Parliment's offices. Had it been a workday, I am sure we could have just walked right in to say hi.

Our hotel was the green building in the middle. The yellow building next door has an exhibit on a viking longhouse that was recently discovered where these buildings now sit. There was a really cool glass case covering a hole in the sidewalk over the foundation.

Uh...this was a sign on the escalators in the airport. Apparently dogs should be carried on escalators and not left to navigate them on their own.

Chris -- we asked all over town, but no one had any wool for spinning. Reykjavikians are very modern and trendy and I don't imagine they spend much time spinning wool. There was this one place that had odd, brightly dyed fleece, but the shop employees said it was for making felted things like slippers and not for spinning. :(

We did see Santa Claus wandering though town doing some shopping, however. And about 80 drunk people dressed up in matching Sylvester the cat costumes with medals hanging around their necks. A number of them were doing Borat impersonations. Posted by Picasa


  1. Sounds very european. What weere the temperatures?

    No Wool? I guess we'll have to go to New Zealand then

  2. Temperatures varied from cold, to pretty darned cold, to Pretty darned cold and windy.

    Prolly ranged from teens overnight to ~ 32 F on the warmest cloudy day. Prolly ~ 25 - 30 degrees when most of these pics were taken.

  3. New Zealand is next!

    The only stamps I have on my passport at the moment are Ireland and Iceland. I figured New Zealand was the next logical place to go.

    We should go to lunch if you and Kelly are there the same time as us -- March '07...

  4. so much for it being moderated by the gulf stream. Those pictures are brilliant and make me want to visit even more. Maybe we should have gone there for new years to get snow.
