Wednesday, June 28, 2006

new music

I'm in search of new music. What have you all been listening to lately? I'm in a contemplative Garden-State-Soundtrack kind of phase.

A few days ago I heard a Jerusalem by Dan Bern and have been obsessed with it since. It's rather old, so you may know it already, but if not give it a listen.

Does anyone have any music recommendations?


  1. Colin Hay's new album is all goodness. He had one song on that Dirty Jersey soundtrack. Also Cruel and Gentle Things by Charlie Sexton.

    As an aside, anyone up for setting up some kind of a music trading system amongst our group? The other day I found a way to strip DRM from iTunes, called SharpMusique...

  2. I think its a good idea. Bill mentioned it might be as simple as setting up a gmail account we all have the password too. Do you have another idea?

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