Monday, April 02, 2012


We had approximately 3 days of good sap collecting weather this year. We didn't even try, though one of Bill's coworkers got a few gallons of sap. Next year will be easier when I don't have to worry about scheduling sap boiling on a weekend.

This is the second article I've read about syrup issues this year. Creepy sad stuff.
The overall pattern is clear, though - Vermont maple producers on average sugar a full month ahead of the starting point 100 years ago. In my region those on south-facing slopes sometimes start as early as January. And it is pretty clear that sap runs will get shorter over time.


  1. We got about a gallon and a half of syrup. The early run was convenient for us, as we left for our Florida vacation with the sugaring all done and taps pulled.

    Kids helped tap but they are no help lugging the buckets yet. A forty pound kid oughtta be able to get a forty pound bucket to the fire, I say.

  2. Perhaps you need to institute some strength training before the next syrup season.
