Saturday, December 11, 2010

Beware the Yule Cat

Is all your autumn spinning done???

I was doing some reading about old solstice and yule celebrations and came across the Icelandic Yule cat. Apparently, if you don't get all your autumn wool spinning done by the winter solstice, the Yule Cat eats you in the middle of the night.

So, you've got about 20 days...

You all know the Yule Cat
And that Cat was huge indeed.
People didn't know where he came from
Or where he went.

He opened his glaring eyes wide,
The two of them glowing bright.
It took a really brave man
To look straight into them.

His whiskers, sharp as bristles,
His back arched up high.
And the claws of his hairy paws
Were a terrible sight.

(More here)

Bill and I are off to purchase a spinning wheel this morning, so we can avoid this freaky feline.


  1. Oh crap. I did not know this.

  2. My math sucks... you've got about 10 days!

  3. I don't have any wool to spin, but I am still freaked out. Thanks :(
