This story was covered in the paper the last 2 days...
Now you know: You can't hit a cat and leave it
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
By Catie O'Toole Staff writer
A Pennellville man was charged Tuesday under a little known and rarely used law that makes it illegal to hit certain animals and drive off, leaving them to die. Drivers who strike and injure a cat, dog, horse or cow must stop and try and find the owner or a police, peace or judicial officer in the area, according to the state law. They also must "take any other reasonable and appropriate action so that the animal may have necessary attention," the law reads.
Aaron M. Fisher, 27, of 731 county Route 10, was charged about 2 a.m. with "leaving scene of injury to certain animals without reporting" after an Oswego County sheriff's deputy witnessed someone in a truck strike a black cat near Country Auto on Evans Road in Schroeppel. "The truck continued down the road and never stopped," the sheriff's report said. Deputies later found the truck parked outside a home in Palermo. They also found Fisher, who they said was driving the truck without a valid license when it hit and injured the cat. Fisher could not be reached for comment, but his girlfriend said this was just an accident. "He's a major cat lover. When I met him, he had three cats. He would never, ever harm an animal," Monica Parkhurst said. "He told me this morning he accidentally hit a cat." Parkhurst said neither she nor Fisher knew it was a crime to not stop after striking a cat. She also said the weather was bad early Tuesday. "I'm sure most people are not aware of the law," said Betsie Puffer, cruelty investigator at the CNY SPCA. "We don't get a lot of reports about it in this office."
A secretary at the Oswego County Sheriff's Department also said she can't remember a time when someone was charged with leaving the scene after hitting and injuring an animal.
"Most times people don't witness it," Puffer said. But if someone does hit an animal, the law says they must promptly report the accident. "If they do hit a dog or a cat or any animal, take every necessary precaution and take every reasonable avenue to locate the animal's owner. If they can't, let us know," Puffer said. "It could be someone's pet or someone's livelihood in the case of cattle or a horse. If an animal is injured, getting it help in a timely fashion would be necessary." Sheriff's deputies also charged Fisher with third-degree aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, a misdemeanor, and unlicensed operator and unregistered motor vehicle, both traffic violations. He is scheduled to answer the charges Jan. 8 in Schroeppel Town Court....
continued at
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
The Turkey Hut
So...the Logans celebrated Thanksgiving in a good old fashioned redneck way! We cooked the turkey in a garbage can. Yes, that is right. Bill, I am sure you are cringing, but it was cool. Dad did most of it, manning the fire and so on. First there was a blue hut built to keep out the wind. Then there was a stake and something to the catch the grease drippings. Then lots of foil and a 15 lb. turkey. Turn the *CLEAN-BRAND-NEW-NEVER-BEEN-USED-BEFORE(other than burning out the galvanized metals)* garbage can over the the turkey and surround the outside of it with 25 lb. charcoal brickettes. Oh yeah, and LOTS O' lighter fluid (which didn't really catch, so some wood too). And then let it cook. The house lacked the Thanksgiving smells, but the turkey hut was warm and smelled of turkey yumminess. The eats were good, but I think it was more of the act of doing it. What a Thanksgiving to remember!! Please watch the teaser video...
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Kev's Head
It's true ....... Kevin does have a brain!!! And I have proof. Here are some very interesting images from my MRI earlier in the week. I was very surprised when I asked the receptionist for a copy and she handed me an entire disk. Very cool to see into your own head. These are really awesome.

I like this one with the eyes popping out. Freaky but interesting.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Different Cupcakes
Going off Jon's "pancake" I found some interesting cupcakes. I am not sure what to think about some of these. The chipolte cinnamon sounds a little out of my realm, but I can see you making it Chris!
Check them out. (There's even a black and tan for Jon!)
Hope everyone is doing well! The leaves have finally started to change and fall (rather rapidly, I might say). I was driving home from Maggie's this morning and it looked as if I was on the yellow brick (or should I say leaf) road!
Check them out. (There's even a black and tan for Jon!)
Hope everyone is doing well! The leaves have finally started to change and fall (rather rapidly, I might say). I was driving home from Maggie's this morning and it looked as if I was on the yellow brick (or should I say leaf) road!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Friday, November 02, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Halloween in Rochester
Hello everyone,
I thought that I would spread some Halloween pictures from a party we went to yesterday. Here is Carrie and I with my co-worker Jose. And one of Jon and me. And Pumpkins, Etc.....
Jon as a baseball fanatic and Kevin showing a little leg!
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Syracuse City School District Is First Go Green School District in New York State
Jill Buck, National Founder and Executive Director of the Go Green Initiative (GGI) based in California, announced today that the Syracuse City School District is the first city school district in New York State to have 100% participation."Every school in the Syracuse school district is now participating in promoting environmental stewardship," says Jill Buck. "The local Go Green organizers and the Syracuse School District should be proud to be first school district in NY state to achieve this level of involvement. We hope other school districts in the state will follow your example."With the support of Superintendent Dan Lowengard and Head of Facilities Nick Dibello, Syracuse City Schools Head Custodians and other school Green team members are banding together to improve recycling. Special recycling stations will be created in each classroom, complete with 2 well-labeled blue bins for dual stream recycling (one for recycling paper and one for recycling plastic, metal and glass containers) to make recycling easier than ever. In addition to establishing recycling stations next to every trash can, Syracuse Green teams will be working to educate their campus community on proper recycling. All faculty and staff members will be given information on proper recycling and asked to share the information with their students. Many GGI Syracuse schools are also taking steps to reduce cafeteria waste. By utilizing recyclable paper bags rather than styrofoam trays at breakfast, schools are not only taking steps toward reducing waste and helping the environment, but also saving the district money in purchasing and disposal fees. A typical school breakfast consists of a prepackaged bowl of cereal, a carton of milk and a carton of juice � therefore a paper bag is adequate to carry the goods from the lunch line to the table versus a styrofoam tray which is not recyclable. Schools will still use styrofoam trays, when hot breakfasts are served.Local sponsors of the Go Green Initiative include Daystar Recycling, Naef Recycling Corporation, New York State Association for Reduction, Reuse and Recycling, Onondaga County Resource Recovery Agency, Solvay Paperboard and Waste Management.The Go Green Initiative is the nation's fastest growing fully comprehensive environmental action plan for schools. By promoting environmental stewardship on campuses from elementary schools through universities, Go Green works to involve families, businesses and local governments in the common goal of protecting human health through environmental stewardship.
For more info, go to its inception in July 2002, the Go Green Initiative has been endorsed by the National School Boards Association, National Recycling Coalition, adopted by six State PTA Boards, implemented in 39 states and over 600 schools, along with schools in Europe, Mexico, and Africa. There are currently over 1 million students and teachers in registered Go Green schools.
For more info, go to its inception in July 2002, the Go Green Initiative has been endorsed by the National School Boards Association, National Recycling Coalition, adopted by six State PTA Boards, implemented in 39 states and over 600 schools, along with schools in Europe, Mexico, and Africa. There are currently over 1 million students and teachers in registered Go Green schools.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Indy's mall
Fortunetly for me, Indianapolis is laid out a lot like DC. There is even a mall with an obelisk monument on one end, and a stately looking building on the other. The green area continues beyond the World War Memorial in the bottom photo. This park is just two blocks from my office - just in front of the Scottish Rite Cathedrial.
Cubes and Views Round 2?
It was so much fun last time we did this, and many of us have moved to new jobs and new cities since last year, so I was wondering if we wanted to revive the office and view post of yore?
This is the Shriner's Murat Shrine and the silver Saturn is my pimped out car in my parking lot.
This is my cube. Still clean cuz I've only been there 3 weeks.
This is my view. I face due west, so I get to see the weather roll in. The big building is the Scottish Rite Cathedral. I guess they are freemasons of some sort.
What do everyone else's new diggs look like???
Thursday, September 13, 2007
West Coast Adventures
Downtown Portland
Portland's MINI dealership
Ah, if it worked this well everywhere
Mount Hood
Mount Hood closer
I am a little behind the times in getting to this but as Chris mentioned, we went out west for Steve's defense a couple of weeks ago. I left a few days early and spent some time visiting friends in the urban planning mecca that is Portland. A very vibrant city indeed - no shortage of excellent microbrews. I also took a day trip to Mount Hood and completed the Paradise Loop trail from Timberline Lodge. After being mostly cloudy for the whole day, the weather broke and I got some great views of the peak. And yes, alpine meadow flowers are as beautiful as the hiking magazines tout them to be...
We also spent some time enjoying SoCal baseball, watching the Angels defeat the Blue Jays 2-1.
Friday, September 07, 2007
Jingles' Graduation Photo

Joseph Tartaglia and Jingles
A Third Dog for Big Apple Resident
A Third Dog for Big Apple Resident
Joseph Tartaglia returned to Guiding Eyes for the Blind for his third dog, Jingles. He is a New York City resident who enjoys life in the “big town.” Joe’s educational background in psychology, coupled with a bright, resourceful and determined mindset, enabled him to have a successful career as a teacher of the disabled. Joe’s sight loss was caused by a brain tumor 35 years ago. He is now making the most of retirement, and is engaged in many occupational and recreational activities. An avid believer in the daily exercise of body and mind, Joe balances his days with walking, reading and socializing; he also has two teenage sons who share in his life. Joe boasts of having a broad, comprehensive span of interests and activities that yield special meaning to each day. He describes himself as being “compliant, but vociferous when it comes to airing my views,” and his wry sense of humor can be disarming. Joe has been emotionally and physically invested in each one of his Guiding Eyes dogs and kept each one following their retirements. Jingles will be a valuable asset to Joe as he travels about Manhattan and elsewhere. “I am most sincerely grateful to Guiding Eyes for the Blind for showing me the way to enjoy a full and productive life. There is no other school like this. . . anywhere.”
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Doctor Steve
Jon Kelly and I (Chris), with Marin's help, went out on a surprise trip to see Steve's defense and had an AWESOME time. We ate a lot of good food, spent some time in the mountains and the beach, and in general did our regular thing but Southern California-style. Not to mention Steve made us all proud and did a bang-up job with his defense. So good job Steve, and thanks Marin for setting the whole thing up.
Kelly has our pics up here:
Kelly has our pics up here:
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Friday, August 17, 2007
Baby goldfinch
We were playing cards on our patio last night and Bill heard this guy rustling around in the ivy. We played with him a bit, named him Goldilocks and then he flew, kinda, back down into the ivy. A little while later, his mom came and called to him, he announced himself and then his mom flew down to give him a snack. Then his mom left and he clammored to the top of an ivy leaf and sat there patiently for half an hour. We placed him on a tree branch before we went to bed because there are some chipmunks that frequent the ivy and might like to eat him. This morning he was still in the spot we put him and we saw his mom feeding a sibling in a nearby tree.
He's really much cuter than the photo.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Indiana State Fair
We have some photos from the state fair online. It's not as great as the NY Fair, but it might put you in the fair state of mind. Deep Fried Pepsi was this year's new concoction. The whole fair was transfat-free and we had a delicious corn dog. The milk was 50 cents, though, and the cheese sculpture just didn't measure up to the butter creations I've seen in the past. We did have a lovely conversation with the Honey Princess and we found that there are a number of maple syrup producers in Indiana.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Sunsets and Amphibians
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Just checking in. We went exploring a little bit this weekend to Hoosier National Forest. Bill climbed the scary fire tower.

(This is our new car...same as the old car, but with OnStar for when I lock my keys in it. Also, its silver and has cruise control. And it's not dirty.)

Saturday, we head to the Great Indiana State Fair. This year's theme...CORN!
(This is our new car...same as the old car, but with OnStar for when I lock my keys in it. Also, its silver and has cruise control. And it's not dirty.)
Saturday, we head to the Great Indiana State Fair. This year's theme...CORN!
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