Has anyone tried this
digiscoping thing? Kelly and I read about it in that book about the rediscovery of the ivory-billed woodpecker (lame book) written by one of the birdathon regulars for the cornell team. It seems you look through one lens of your binoculars at the bird and hold your digital camera up to the other lens? Apparently it ranges from that simple to very expensive setups with spotting scopes, attachments to the camera, etc.
Anyways it will be fun to try for this years's birdathon, eh? We gonna meet at High-point state park again? I promide not to attack any bears... but if the park rangers come around and make me dump my booze again I may attack one of them (Whos got my back on THAT one?)
We must formulate a driving strategy to get to different parts of the state this time. And I am gonna make up a huge vat of mac and cheese to keep me going all day.
Moskals, do we have the species list from last time?